
Get Mambaforge. Start a dev environment from a lockfile, list tasks, launch Lab:

mamba create --prefix envs/docs --file .github/locks/
source activate envs/docs
doit list --status --all
doit lab

Use doit#

Local development and continuous integration are both driven by pydoit.

View all doit commands#

doit list

--all and --status can be combined for a lot of quick information.

doit list --all --status | sort

Run everything up to development#


This actually runs the binder task, which is used in postBuild for the interactive demo

The equivalent of starting Binder is:

doit lab

Do everything to prepare for a release#

doit release

Do everything to prepare the docs site#

doit release
doit docs

This is two un-coupled doit runs, so that it possible to replace notebook widget data or screenshots “hot” without worry too much about where they came from.

Live Development#

To rebuild the labextension and your JupyterLab, use:

doit watch:lab

When new files are created, it is usually necessary to re-start the watch command, stop it with Ctrl+C.

Semi-incompatibly, you can live run the docs build process (with some limitations)

doit watch:docs



Tests are primarily captured as executable notebooks imported (or linked) to from the notebook index.

Each notebook should:

  • have a descriptive name

  • demonstrate the value provided by the widgets in question as simply as possible

  • provide a higher-level confection of wxyz widgets, usually a DockBox

  • be imported into the index, unless it has very taxing, less-portable dependencies

Robot Framework Testing#

Where appropriate, individual components should be tested with Robot Framework tests. Ideal tests include thoroughly exercising the demo notebooks as a user would.

doit robot

Code Style#

Code style is enforced by a number of python, typescript and miscellaneous files (e.g. YAML, JSON).

doit lint

Updating lockfiles#

The lockfiles in .github/locks are created in a separate environment from the main development environment to avoid a conda dependency. mamba is recommended, as many solutions are run.

mamba create --prefix envs/lock --file .github/locks/conda.lock.linux-64-3.11-.lock
source envs/lock/bin/activate
doit list --all --status
CONDA_EXE=mamba CONDARC=.github/.condarc doit -n4 lock