
Widgets for core HTML 5 controls

class wxyz.html.AlphaColor(default_value=traitlets.Undefined, allow_none=False, read_only=None, help=None, config=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Color

A color with alpha

__get__(obj, cls=None)#

Get the value of the trait by self.name for the instance.

Default values are instantiated when HasTraits.__new__() is called. Thus by the time this method gets called either the default value or a user defined value (they called __set__()) is in the HasTraits instance.


Return self|value.

__set__(obj, value)#

Set the value of the trait by self.name for the instance.

Values pass through a validation stage where errors are raised when impropper types, or types that cannot be coerced, are encountered.

class_init(cls, name)#

Part of the initialization which may depend on the underlying HasDescriptors class.

It is typically overloaded for specific types.

This method is called by MetaHasDescriptors.__init__() passing the class (cls) and name under which the descriptor has been assigned.


The default generator for this trait


This method is registered to HasTraits classes during class_init in the same way that dynamic defaults defined by @default are.

default_value: t.Optional[t.Any] = traitlets.Undefined#
error(obj, value, error=None, info=None)#

Raise a TraitError

  • obj (HasTraits or None) – The instance which owns the trait. If not object is given, then an object agnostic error will be raised.

  • value (any) – The value that caused the error.

  • error (Exception (default: None)) – An error that was raised by a child trait. The arguments of this exception should be of the form (value, info, *traits). Where the value and info are the problem value, and string describing the expected value. The traits are a series of TraitType instances that are “children” of this one (the first being the deepest).

  • info (str (default: None)) – A description of the expected value. By default this is infered from this trait’s info method.


Get a value from a config string

such as an environment variable or CLI arguments.

Traits can override this method to define their own parsing of config strings.

See also


New in version 5.0.


DEPRECATED: Retrieve the static default value for this trait. Use self.default_value instead

get_metadata(key, default=None)#

DEPRECATED: Get a metadata value.

Use .metadata[key] or .metadata.get(key, default) instead.


DEPRECATED: Set the static default value for the trait type.


Part of the initialization which may depend on the underlying HasDescriptors instance.

It is typically overloaded for specific types.

This method is called by HasTraits.__new__() and in the BaseDescriptor.instance_init() method of descriptors holding other descriptors.

set_metadata(key, value)#

DEPRECATED: Set a metadata key/value.

Use .metadata[key] = value instead.


Sets metadata and returns self.

This allows convenient metadata tagging when initializing the trait, such as:


>>> Int(0).tag(config=True, sync=True)
<traitlets.traitlets.Int object at ...>
validate(obj, value)[source]#

expand the validation to work for rgba

class wxyz.html.AlphaColorPicker(**kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: ColorPicker

A color picker that should allow setting opacity


Display short version with just a color selector.


Description of the control.


Accept HTML in the description.

property description_tooltip#

The tooltip information. .. deprecated :: 8.0.0

Use tooltip attribute instead.


Enable or disable user changes.


Return the value for this widget which should be passed to interactive functions. Custom widgets can change this method to process the raw value self.value.


Styling customizations

class wxyz.html.EmptyAlphaColor(default_value=traitlets.Undefined, allow_none=False, read_only=None, help=None, config=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Color

A color with alpha that might be the empty string

__get__(obj, cls=None)#

Get the value of the trait by self.name for the instance.

Default values are instantiated when HasTraits.__new__() is called. Thus by the time this method gets called either the default value or a user defined value (they called __set__()) is in the HasTraits instance.


Return self|value.

__set__(obj, value)#

Set the value of the trait by self.name for the instance.

Values pass through a validation stage where errors are raised when impropper types, or types that cannot be coerced, are encountered.

class_init(cls, name)#

Part of the initialization which may depend on the underlying HasDescriptors class.

It is typically overloaded for specific types.

This method is called by MetaHasDescriptors.__init__() passing the class (cls) and name under which the descriptor has been assigned.


The default generator for this trait


This method is registered to HasTraits classes during class_init in the same way that dynamic defaults defined by @default are.

default_value: t.Optional[t.Any] = traitlets.Undefined#
error(obj, value, error=None, info=None)#

Raise a TraitError

  • obj (HasTraits or None) – The instance which owns the trait. If not object is given, then an object agnostic error will be raised.

  • value (any) – The value that caused the error.

  • error (Exception (default: None)) – An error that was raised by a child trait. The arguments of this exception should be of the form (value, info, *traits). Where the value and info are the problem value, and string describing the expected value. The traits are a series of TraitType instances that are “children” of this one (the first being the deepest).

  • info (str (default: None)) – A description of the expected value. By default this is infered from this trait’s info method.


Get a value from a config string

such as an environment variable or CLI arguments.

Traits can override this method to define their own parsing of config strings.

See also


New in version 5.0.


DEPRECATED: Retrieve the static default value for this trait. Use self.default_value instead

get_metadata(key, default=None)#

DEPRECATED: Get a metadata value.

Use .metadata[key] or .metadata.get(key, default) instead.


DEPRECATED: Set the static default value for the trait type.


Part of the initialization which may depend on the underlying HasDescriptors instance.

It is typically overloaded for specific types.

This method is called by HasTraits.__new__() and in the BaseDescriptor.instance_init() method of descriptors holding other descriptors.

set_metadata(key, value)#

DEPRECATED: Set a metadata key/value.

Use .metadata[key] = value instead.


Sets metadata and returns self.

This allows convenient metadata tagging when initializing the trait, such as:


>>> Int(0).tag(config=True, sync=True)
<traitlets.traitlets.Int object at ...>
validate(obj, value)[source]#

expand the validation to work for rgba

class wxyz.html.File(**kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: HTMLBase

A file. Might be uploaded from the browser.



Timestamp of last file modification


The file’s MIME type.


The file’s name

proxy(klass, **kwargs)[source]#

Generate a Proxy file object, given a File-compatible class


The size of the file in bytes


The binary representation of the file

class wxyz.html.FileBox(**kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: HTMLBase, Box

A box of files, which can be used to upload and download files


uploadable extensions and mimetypes (with wildcards)


Use a predefined styling for the box.


List of file widgets


if true, accept multiple files

class wxyz.html.Fullscreen(**kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: HTMLBase, Box

A full-screen Box, activated with Ctrl+Shift+Click, or the flower key on MacOS


Use a predefined styling for the box.


List of widget children

class wxyz.html.JSONFile(**kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: File

A JSON file


Timestamp of last file modification


The file’s MIME type.


The file’s name

proxy(klass, **kwargs)#

Generate a Proxy file object, given a File-compatible class


The size of the file in bytes


The binary representation of the file

class wxyz.html.TextFile(**kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: File

A Text file


Timestamp of last file modification


The file’s MIME type.


The file’s name

proxy(klass, **kwargs)#

Generate a Proxy file object, given a File-compatible class


The size of the file in bytes


The binary representation of the file